Tax Services
Q: What types of tax services do you provide?
Our firm prepares annual federal income tax forms, franchise tax forms, sales taxes filings, payroll tax filings, & more for individuals & businesses throughout the US with specialization in TX and FL taxes.
Q: If your firm is virtual, how do I provide documents for tax preparation?
All document exchanges & activity will happen within our TaxDome portal! Once signed up, you should select “federal income tax preparation” as an interested service. This will prompt a task for an organizer to be completed. The organizer aids our clients in uploading all of the necessary documentation we would require for tax preparation. You will be able to upload all documentation directly within the organizer or separately in the portal! You can also take pictures of your documents from your phone and download via the TaxDome mobile app.
Q: Do you offer assistance with both personal and business tax returns?
We do! We have a diverse portfolio of individual & business returns. We’re confident we can help with your tax preparation needs, and if we aren’t able we would absolutely have that conversation ahead of time.
Q: Can you help me with tax planning to optimize my financial situation?
We aim to keep our tax planning to a minimum, as we try to educate our clients throughout the year [when asked] to ensure they are on track for the following year. If there are circumstances that arise throughout the year that would substantially change your return, we would provide tax planning services upon request at our standard hourly rate for advisory.
Bookkeeping Services
Q: What bookkeeping services do you offer for small businesses?
We offer several bookkeeping packages - Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced.
We do not currently offer clean-up, invoicing, timekeeping, or payroll services.
All clients are required to hold a QBO online subscription.
NOTE: sales tax filings, payroll filings or other are an additional fee.
Basic - up to 2 accounts, < 75 transactions, monthly categorization & reconciliation, financial statement preparation
Intermediate - up to 4 accounts, <150 transactions, all of the above + receipt matching
Advanced - up to 6 accounts, <250 transactions, all of the above + annual form filings for W-2, 1099
Q: How often should I update my financial records?
The goal of a bookkeeping service is for your financial statements to be accurately stated in real time. We try to emphasize the importance of financial statements and what they mean for your company. These are your make or break figures.
Q: What software do you use for bookkeeping, and can I access my records online?
We request that all of our clients carry QuickBooks online as that is where our firm’s accountants are most efficient.
Service Fees and Billing
Q: What is your fee structure for tax preparation and bookkeeping services?
We require a deposit for all services. Bookkeeping clients are set up on monthly recurring invoices and tax prep clients pay a deposit up front, then the difference is owed prior to us e-filing their return. Our portal operates as our invoice host, where you can pay by bank or credit card.
Q: Are there any hidden fees that I should be aware of?
We make our clients aware of all our fees up front. If any extra fees are anticipated, this is communicated to the client before-hand.
Q: Can you provide an estimate of the total cost for your services based on my needs?
We can provide proposals based on expectations to service your needs.
Client Communication
Q: How can I contact you for support or to ask questions?
The TaxDome portal is our one-stop shop for all client & firm needs. When you need us, write us there! You are guaranteed to get a faster response when you stay in our portal queue.
Q: Will I have a dedicated point of contact within your firm?
It’s me. Hi! Shelby here - owner of Allen Financials. Just write me in the portal!
Q: How do you keep clients informed about changes in tax laws or financial regulations?
We send out newsletters via email, post frequesntly on our Facebook page, & communicate via the portal.